Use of cookies on the website
A cookie is a small text file / data file - a code - that a web page stores on the user's computer, tablet or smartphone that is used to use the web page.
Virtually all websites today use cookies. Some cookies are necessary for the website to work.
A cookie is a passive file that cannot collect information from the user's computer, spread computer viruses or otherwise spread malicious programs. A cookie, on the other hand, is used to recognize the computer; this may, for example, be in connection with internet shopping, where a cookie is used to remember what has been added to the shopping cart. Other cookies are simply used to compile statistics on how the website is used.
A cookie can only be read by the person who placed it on the computer, and other websites will therefore not be able to obtain information from that cookie.
There are also other technologies that, like cookies, store data locally. Of these, The Guiding Light Art Company uses LocalStorage, which is part of the HTML5 standard. This allows data to be stored locally on your computer. Unlike cookies, LocalStorage can only be accessed by the domain that created it. LocalStorage is also only accessed when the website asks for it, as opposed to cookies that are sent when the user makes a request.
There are different categories of cookies:
Session cookies which is deleted automatically when the browser is closed.
Persistent cookies which is normally stored on the hard disk. They are set with an expiration date so that they exist for a shorter or longer period.
Own cookies, also called first-party cookies, are set aside by the page that the user visits.
Third Party Cookies marketed by a third party who has elements of the web page; for example, it could be web analytics programs.
The purpose of cookies on our website can be divided into 3 categories:
Required cookies: These cookies are necessary for the website to function at all. This is e.g. cookies that make it possible to identify a session so that the user can remain logged in while clicking around.
Statistics cookies: These help us understand how users interact with our web page. We use this knowledge to optimize our site so that the user experience is better.
Marketing cookies: These are used to track users across websites. This helps us to understand from which web pages our visitors come from so that we can better target our marketing.
Our own cookies
We offer on our websites certain features, services, applications and tools that are only available if we use the above mentioned technologies. You are always welcome to block, delete or disable these technologies if your browser or device allows it. However, if you reject cookies or other similar technologies, you will not be able to use certain features, services, applications or tools on our websites. You may also be asked to enter your password more often during a visit to our websites. For more information about how to block, delete, or disable these technologies, see the Help section of your browser, application, or device.
In general, these technologies give our websites, services, applications and tools access to store relevant information in your browser or device and later read this information. We do not store your personal information using these technologies, but use them to identify you in our servers or internal systems. Where relevant, we protect our cookies and other technologies so that only we and / or our suppliers can interpret them by assigning them a unique identification that can only be understood by us. We do not store any of your personal information on any of our cookies or similar technologies.
We obtain your consent to our use of these technologies to collect and store information by providing you with transparent information and notice of use and allowing you to disable these technologies as set forth above.
Our use of the technologies listed above falls into the following general categories:
Operationally necessary: We may use cookies or other similar technologies necessary for the operation of our websites, services, applications and tools. This includes technologies that give you access to our websites, services, applications and tools that are necessary to avoid unauthorized use of these services and that improve security, or that allow you to make use of our features such as shopping, saved searches or the like;
Performance related: We may use cookies or other similar technologies that are useful for evaluating the results of our websites, applications, services and tools, including as part of our analytical work that helps us understand how our visitors use our website or to improve the content of our websites, applications, services or tools;
Function related: We may use cookies or other similar technologies that allow us to offer you improved functionality when you use our websites, services, applications or tools. This may include identifying you when you log in to our websites or keeping track of your stated preferences, interests, and what you have seen in the past so that we can improve the content on our websites;
Advertising or targeting: We may use first-party or third-party cookies to provide content, including ads that are relevant to your interests on our websites or on third-party websites. This includes using technologies to understand the usefulness to you of the advertisements and content provided to you.
Who stores cookies from this website? - Who can you contact?
Cookies from this website are stored by:
The Guiding Light Art Company
Klosterløkken 4, 1st, 6400 Sønderborg
CVR No .: 38548654
Tel: +45 29 37 92 75
Complaints about the use of cookies can be directed to The Guiding Light Art Company.
Third Party Cookies
The following companies store cookies as a result of our use of their tools.
Google Inc.
Possibility of blocking cookies and the consequences thereof?
The user can set his browser to block cookies. The browser can also be set for the user to continuously accept or reject the use of cookies. However, one must be aware that a blocking of cookies may impair the website's usability and certain functions on the website, such as when purchasing.
How do I revoke my consent for the website to use cookies?
You can revoke your consent at any time by deleting the website's cookies. See more about this below.
How are cookies deleted?
Cookies can be deleted from the user's equipment at any time, and this can be done in the browser's internet settings. The procedure is different, depending on the type of browser the user is using. Below is a link to instructions for deleting cookies in different browsers.
Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
More information
The Guiding Light Art Company's regulations for the protection of users' data can be read under "data protection". 