The GLAC Studio Kunst Klasser i Sønderborg

Kunst klasser i Sønderborg

  • Valg mellem olie maleri, akvareller eller blyant skitser
  • Lære kunst i dit eget tempo
  • Valg reference billeder selv eller brug eget inspiration
  • Fokus på de tekniker så kan du give din indtryk til ideen
  • Få mulighed til at udstille kunstværk sammen med os

PRIS: DKK 100/time/studerende + kunst materiale omkostninger


STED: Kunstværelset, Sønderborg Internationale Skolen, Agervang 14, 6400 Sønderborg 

Vejledning til forældre:

  • SIS Art Room har forklæder, som børnene kan have på, mens de maler. Eleverne må selv medbringe, hvis de gerne vil
  • Sørg for, at børnene er iført behageligt, helst gammelt tøj. Selvom der vil være forklæder, er der chancer for, at børnene ved et uheld belaster deres tøj med oliemaling, hvilket kan være en udfordring at vaske rent senere

Art Classes in Sønderborg

  • Choose to do oil painting, watercolors or pencil sketching
  • Learn art in your own tempo
  • Choose reference pictures yourself or use your own inspiration
  • Focus on the techniques so you can give your impression on the idea
  • Get the opportunity to exhibit your artwork with us

PRICE: DKK 100/hour/student + art material charges

CONTACT VIA SMS TO : GOMATHI +45 29 37 92 75

LOCATION: The Art Room, Sønderborg International School, Agervang 14, 6400 Sønderborg 

Instructions to parents:

  • The SIS Art Room provides aprons for the children to wear while painting. Students may bring their own if they want
  • Please ensure that the children are wearing comfortable, preferably old clothing. Even though aprons will be provided, there are chances that the children accidentally strain their clothing with oil paint, which may be a challenge to wash later
