Celebrate diversity series - The battle within - This 80 x 140 cm oil on canvas shows Thor, the god of thunder from Norse mythology and Lord Indra from Hindu (Indian) mythology fighting the serpent of Midgard
Thor is associated with thunder, lightning, storms and strength and is also known as the protector of humanity and responsible for healing and law and order. Thor fights the serpent Jörmungandr during the events of Ragnarok.
Lord Indra is the deity of the heavens, lightning, thunder, storms, rain and war. He is known for his powers and is known for having fought against the serpent Vritra, which hinders human prosperity and happiness.
We celebrate diversity first by simply appreciating the similarity between both lines of history. Furthermore, we take these metaphors to gain a better understanding of what these events really mean.
In the context of today, this painting is representative of the human state of mind. The earthworm in our minds are racist or discriminatory thoughts that can be overcome by our inner strength - Thor and Lord Indra are representative of our inner strength.
Thor's vehicle is the two mountain goats or rams, while Lord Indra's vehicle is the elephant named Airavata. In yoga psychology, the ram represents the solar plexus chakra, and the elephant represents the root chakra of a human body. Both chakras must be in balance for one mind to conquer negativities.
Thor's weapon is the hammer, and Lord Indra's weapon is Vajrayutham. These weapons are metaphors that represent tools that can help the mind gain the necessary wisdom that can overcome all discriminatory or racist thoughts.
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Celebrate Diversity Series - The Battle Within
14.300,00kr. inc TAX
Celebrate diversity series - The battle within - This 80 x 140 cm oil on canvas shows Thor, the god of thunder from Norse mythology and Lord Indra from Hindu (Indian) mythology fighting the serpent of Midgard
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